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What is Summer Reading?

The Summer Reading Program encourages reading for fun!

MPL has programs for a range of ages:


  • Infants-preschoolers: Get prizes once you've read 120 minutes & again at 240 minutes. Pick a giveaway book and enter the grand prize drawing once you've read 360 minutes.


  • Children (Incoming kindergarten-6th-graders): Get prizes once you've read 240 minutes & again at 480 minutes. Pick a giveaway book and enter the grand prize drawing once you've read 720 minutes.


  • Teens (Incoming 7th-graders to just-graduated seniors): Get prizes once you've read 6 hours & again at 12 hours. Pick a giveaway book and enter the grand prize drawing once you complete 18 hours.


  • Adults: Get prizes, pick a giveaway book, and enter the grand prize drawing once you complete 30 hours of reading!


Reading includes books and audio books. Reading to someone else counts for both the reader and the one hearing the story. Put on an audiobook in the car or while you're working - everyone who's there counts the time.



We love our Sponsors. It wouldn't be Summer Reading without all of our amazing community sponsors.

Say thanks for all they do - you surely know them for their generosity in other areas. You can even visit their websites.

Extra Summer Programs

Check out our Calendar for programs. We always add special events, and some of our regular programs will take on a Summer Reading theme.


Library hours

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Sat: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

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Indiana History & Museum

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Sat: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

Reach us


follow prompts to desired department


600 S. Washington St.

Marion, IN 46953




Fax: 765-668-2911


Free parking in the lot behind the library & on the streets surrounding the library. (Remember that Washington, 7th, Boots, and 6th streets are one-way, as is the MPL drive off of 6th Street.)


Sheltered bus stop on Washington St.


Bike racks in front & back;

a limited number of locks available

for checkout from the Circulation Desk. 

COPYRIGHT 2023 Marion Public Library.

All Rights Reserved

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