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Job openings

Applications are being accepted for 2 part-time positions:


Children's and Teens Assistant - description in the link. Requires state library certification; see link below under certification to learn more.

Library Assistant in Children's/Circulation - description is in the link. Does not require state library certification. 

Fill out this application and bring it with a resume and cover letter to the Office or Reference, or email them to:

Director Jaime Pitt 

Volunteer opportunities

Those interested in volunteering at MPL can pick up an application in the Administration Office, or if that is closed, the Reference Desk.


Opportunities depend upon the needs of the library and the skills and interest of volunteers. 


Note: The state of Indiana requires certification by the Indiana State Library for some librarian positions. If licensing is required, this will be mentioned in the job description.


MPL is a Class B library, which is based upon the population of our service area - the city of Marion. Here's a link to the Indiana Certification Manual.



Library hours

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Sat: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

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Indiana History & Museum

Mon-Fri: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Sat: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

Reach us


follow prompts to desired department


600 S. Washington St.

Marion, IN 46953




Fax: 765-668-2911


Free parking in the lot behind the library & on the streets surrounding the library. (Remember that Washington, 7th, Boots, and 6th streets are one-way, as is the MPL drive off of 6th Street.)


Sheltered bus stop on Washington St.


Bike racks in front & back;

a limited number of locks available

for checkout from the Circulation Desk. 

COPYRIGHT 2023 Marion Public Library.

All Rights Reserved

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